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Showing posts from May, 2020


Driving between Rose Orchard Haus and Burnbrae along the Castlereagh Highway this week had me thinking of the recovery from the recent triple troubles - drought, fire and COVID-19. Much of the fire grounds are still looking desolate.  Normally I would expect the eucalypts to show new sprouts by this time, like on this tree below. I am not sure whether the lack of sprouts is because they are a different type of eucalyptus or whether the fire was too hot. All along the burnt part of the highway trees are being cut down (they have been working on it for months now). I can only assume it's because the trees are dead, going to die and/or are unsafe. On a brighter note - the flocks and herds seems to be getting bigger. I am not sure if this is because the sheep are easier to see on green grass than on drought dry land. It is going to be a long road to recovery on all three fronts.


In NSW we are now free to roam any distance to visit family and friends.  This week I was delighted to drive to Mudgee.  On the road is the always beautiful Windemere Dam which is looking a bit dry but holding steady at 27% full. We are now looking forward to June 1 when regional holidays are allowed and campgrounds open.  We are hoping to be able to make a much postponed Sweet Wayfaring caravan trip to one of our regional towns. Despite things opening up we are being cautious and preferring to mostly keep to ourselves only visiting quiet country shops and family and staying away from the city places as much as medical appointments will allow. How are you planning to "open up"?

Shutting Down

As we slowly emerge from our coronavirus bubbles my gardens are doing the reverse, starting their annual winter shutdown. Yes that is a fly at the top left corner of my shiny clean window.  Did you notice there were a LOT more flies this summer?  It is something to do with it being warmer and wetter this year.  The good news is that with the arrival of winter they will die down. Likewise my gardens are dying down for the winter. At Rose Orchard Haus I was pleased to see the tree dahlia in flower this week.  While I enjoy these flowers this is also usually a signal that frost is on its way and the plant will soon be a black mess.  We have in fact had our first frosts but only managed to singe the leaves thus far.  The lovely lush lawn is browning off quickly now. But the prize for the best seasonal shutdown has to go to Burnbrae, our Blue Mountians Garden, which was turning on its beautiful autumn display this week.

A bright future

I know we are all looking forward to restrictions being eased to brighten our lives.  I've brightened mine already,  I've cleaned the windows! Not being a lover of housework this chore was at the very bottom of my isolation checklist, but it shouldn't have been because it is so much nicer to view the world through clean windows. How about this, I have also planted some vegetable seeds to contribute to my brighter future. I was waiting for the drought to go away before trying veges again. The jonquils have started to flower, and will do so over the coming months to brighten the dreary winter garden. And a final bright spot, the sunsets are often spectacular at this time of year. The other day it was lovely through my shiny clean windows.

Season of mists

Autumn is a wonderful season, though a little melancholy in anticipation of the weather turning cold soon. Rising to increasingly chilly morns, mist is usually found settling in the valley. Out in the garden heavy dew (not yet frost) settles on the remaining flowers. And the trees are gently turning colour (Rose Orchard Haus doesn't turn on a big splash of Autumn brilliance). And inside the stove is warm and cooking up a storm.  I have just had it refurbished with new fire bricks and seals.  The oven is now cooking wonderfully well and using less wood so I am very happy. As we all #stayhome what is delighting you in your world at the moment?