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Mid Winter Blues

 I dislike winter and we are only half way through! We have been escaping to our apartment in Penrith as much as possible because the daily temperature is often as much as 5 degrees warmer than at Kandos. While we are there we frequently find ourselves doing things in the city, like this day at Darling Harbour where more and more glass towers have appeared in recent years. With a spare day in your city where are you likely to go?
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  Winter is the season to leave the garden alone and stay inside making things.  Here is an embroidery I recently finished.  The camellias are in flower to give some lift to the drab winter garden, though I am surprised that there are also some roses still flowering.  With all of the rain we have been having there is not much frost this year. How are you finding this year's winter thus far?


  It is winter and citrus season is here.  These are the first limes from our new tree in the centre of the vegetable garden.  I wasn't sure what to do with them and in the end decided to turn them into a delicious lime and lemon pie. I've been gone a while, I think I need to return to posting weekly because I forget about my blog and blog friends when I plan to post only once each month, so expect to see me back next week with some more winter fun.

Autumn in is full swing

The nerine bulbs are now flowering in abundance the garden. And the spring bulbs are beginning to lift their leaves. April has been a busy month: We took a train trip down and back to Melbourne where we visited the Titanic Exhibition.  I have progressed some craft projects, the latest is a new patchwork quilt, busting some of my hoarded stash of fabrics The dahlias have outdone themselves in the garden this year and were still flowering for a short visit from much loved friends from our uni days in Queensland And hubby had yet another eye operation so we had a little sojourn at Bondi Junction this week. We are now beginning to shut down for the winter.  It is cool enough to light the wood stove so lovely slow cooked soups and stews will be replacing salads for a few months.


I hope you had a Happy Easter. We enjoyed the weekend camping in our caravan at our bush block, it was lovely to wake up to the birds singing on a cool autumn morning.   Another month has ticked over. Here are some of the things we enjoyed in March: The lost and rare trades exhibition at Bathurst (blacksmithing) Drives on golden sunny days (Windermere Dam) Another patchwork creation using old ties Kandos Garden Fair (Sculptures in one of the gardens)

Goodbye Summer

It has been an odd summer, very hot and humid most of the time when we usually have low humidity at Kandos.  It has me looking forward to the cooler weather of autumn.   The bulbs that welcome the change of season are currently flower in our garden.  Because it has been too hot to be outside much of the time I stayed inside and progressed a patchwork project that I began ages ago. It has been a fun project using my husband's old neckties.  

Round and Round

Like the petals of a dahlia my life seems to go round and round doing the same things at the moment, though the end result is nice.  I will only be popping in at the beginning of each month for a while. It has been a good year for dahlias.  The rain came at the right time.