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Ah cherry

My husband had an eye operation last week and the doctor said we should not return to the mountains altitude for 3-4 days so we were stuck in Sydney just as our mountain garden was beginning to unfold its spring display.

We are home now and spring is being typically fickle with 20+C one day and snow the next. We found the trees looking a little bowed down with rain. See how green the grass in the background is.

The rain is very welcome but I understand that very little (if any) has made its way over the mountains to the west so I guess our Kandos garden is still sad and brown.


  1. Replies
    1. This weeping cherry is always lovely. The rain drops add an extra dimension.

  2. Lovely shot! The rain drops are beautiful. We've had a lot of early autumn rain here. I'm steeling myself for winter with hopes your spring and summer shots will cheer me.

    1. Around here the Autumn rains make the mushrooms come up.

  3. Beautiful image Joan Elizabeth, it is amazing how much rain falls in one area and next to nothing elsewhere, even if the elsewhere is not all that far away ✨

    1. The mountain range is getting in the way between our Blue Mountains garden and Kandos gardens. The rain doesn't know how to climb over it.


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