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Just add water

It is like a fantastic chemical experiment.  Add water and fog rises.

And next there is an amazing explosion of green.

It has been bucketing down with rain for several days at Lawson with this old disused thing now an essential accessory.

As recently as Tuesday I could see the smoke plume of the Erskine Creek fire which was burning 5 kms from our home at Lawson.  I suspect it is now well and truly doused but it's too foggy to tell.

I am not sure how much of this bounty is reaching Kandos (definitely not as much as this). I will find out this week.

NEWS UPDATE: The mountains are said to have received 1/4 of our annual rainfall over the weekend (250ml+).  At Kandos I have just read the rain gauge, over the last week we have had nearly 100ml with more storm clouds in the sky.  How good it that ... I will be mowing here soon too.


  1. I'll bet both the moisture and the green are welcome sights. Your umbrella really tells a story.

    1. Very welcome. Assuming the weather has now returned to "normal" I will be able to begin transferring some plants from Burnbrae garden to Rose Orchard Haus in the Autumn.

  2. Our grass definitely needs mowing, once it has stopped raining!

    1. I saw the forecast for more rain so got into mine even though it was a bit damp. I could not face waist high grass the next time I came back from Kandos. Everything is growing so fast!

  3. Yes, it's amazing what water can do. Our brown lawn has just about grown back.

    1. It is getting green everywhere, even further out west. So nice to see green hills again.

  4. Hallelujah Joan Elizabeth, hopefully that's the fires out for the year! My daughter is coming over to Sydney tomorrow for a show, she's not sure what to take clothes wise for the week 😉

    1. Yes the fires do seem to be mostly put out. They are in the northern and central parts of the state. Once the rain comes the weather can get very variable but it is still quite warm.

  5. Glad you had rain at least. Beautiful brolly, too! Like a raven.
    In the news over here it´s still "Australia is burning", as if "Australia" was the size of Germany. And even that.... sad how un-educated people are these days still.

    1. I think they will keep up the 'Australia is burning' narrative for a while because it suits the current political climate. As for not knowing the size of Australia, is not as bad as confusing Australia and Austria which happens often in the USA.

  6. It certainly is an explosion of green. The colour is incredible.

    Please send some of that amazing wet stuff this way. We seem to be in a rain shadow -- 3.5mm over the weekend. We gets lots of storm warnings but nothing eventuates.


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