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As the season transitions from winter into spring I have been thinking about change and how we have all been coping with unexpected changes this year. Here are some of the small changes I have experienced lately.

A very frosty morning at Rose Orchard Haus this week


I wore a mask for the first time earlier in the month because we were travelling on public transport to Sydney.

But much more exciting was the masking for me to paint the back door at Rose Orchard Haus

Goodbye Tree

Remember the story of the weed tree at Burnbrae garden. It was cut down last week and here it is now.  (Oh dear more work to move this pile to garden beds).

I think the removal of the tree was neither transformative, nor leaving a disastrous gap once those trampled plants recover.  It's just different like I have found most of 2020 to be.


  1. Lucky you getting into Spring.
    Oh, we just bought three wonderful masks (as "wonderful" as it can get for people wearing glasses...).
    The door looks beautiful, and weee. Poor tree. Yes. 2020 is something...

    1. I don’t go out much where I require a mask so will probably stick to the disposables - at least until the box I bought runs out.

  2. That's a lovely big pile of mulch, that old tree is much more useful now 😉 Well done on getting the door painted, that's one of my future tasks also. There certainly have been many firsts during the last six months ✨

    1. Many firsts - I just hope the pace dies down before 2021.

  3. Its good to know that some changes are positive for you. I love the frosted plant but it must have been a tad chilly. We haven't even looked like having frost this year.

    1. Frost is Ok because it is usually followed by a bright day. It is the cold soggy days that bother me most.

  4. I won't mind putting 2020 in the rear view mirror. Masks - and here much controversy about wearing them - I've had my temperature taken countless times before being admitted to offices - the end of a social life. Ugh!
    Your door looks very fresh and updated. And you're right about the missing tree: no gap, no great transformation.

    1. There is some controversy about masks but in most parts they are not yet mandatory. The only places we have encountered temperature checks this far are medical establishments.

  5. I had to wear a mask last week at a doctor's appointment. I will need surgery, probably next month and rehabilitation afterwards (knee replacement). I am hoping I can do this in my own home, or at least at the physio's rooms, just close by. I also went to a funeral yesterday and most people were wearing masks. I found it awful trying to make conversation with people I knew well, but now their faces were covered by masks. I did not wear a mask as I was singing. Because the congregation were not allowed to sing, they had two singers singing the hymns and I was one of the singers.

    1. All the best with your surgery. We have not gone back to church yet so have not had the experience of talking with people we know through a mask.

  6. Yes, 2020 has been a year of changes, but I've taken to approaching these times with some degree of gratefulness. I won't be taking friends and family for granted so much that's for sure. And overall, I'm finding that I like being less busy and not having to rush through days.

    1. It is great that there is something positive in 2020 for you. Many of the things you mention came with retirement for me.


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