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On being Australian

I am so glad it's spring, as I can be delighted even within the chaos caused by the virus.  Here is a selection of the Australian native flowers I found out at our bush block today.

I have been pondering, what does it mean to be Australian right now?  We seem to be splintering back into colonies.  The closed borders and lockdowns are making some people feel safe but at a significant cost to others.  

Surely this far into the pandemic there has been time to understand the real risks, to develop more nuanced and kinder approaches as this is something we are in for the long hall.  

Today in the cathedral church service we prayed.
"Our Heavenly Father we thank you for governments in Australia .... please give great wisdom to Commonwealth and State governments during the COVID-19 pandemic, may they make wise decisions that restrict the spread of the virus while allowing people personal freedoms and opportunities to work."


  1. A lovely selection of wildflowers on your block of land. A good prayer. Let's hope the Premiers will soon open the borders, as it is causing a lot of hardship for families.

    1. Yes, too much hardship from people being both locked in and locked out.

  2. I think you are doing maybe the right thing but it breaks my heart. We would´ ve bought tickets to Perth in January for next year and we cannot. I miss my friends there.
    We cannot escape the cold winter and enjoy around 35-40C in Perth.
    Once we saw wildflowers around this time of the year on our journey, too, soooo beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Yep I would not be holding my breath for travel next year. The wildflowers in the desert and WA are spectacular. Ours are much more shy.

  3. Beautiful series of wildflower images Joan Elizabeth, it's about time for a country trip for me . Hopefully down to Araluen to see the tulips this week 🌷

    1. Mass tulip displays are always a wonderful sight. I have a tiny cluster about to bloom in my garden.

  4. It's nice to see spring starting to bloom! Lovely flowers.
    The virus seems to be bring out some of the worse in the U.S. character and we have leadership that seems to encourage it. Dreadful times!

  5. Love the wildflowers. Our health director is now protected by Police after receiving death threats due to the Qld border closure. What a saga it has all turned out to be ☹️

    1. I saw that news. Tempers are running hot with the election coming up - but death threats!

  6. Lovely wild flowers! I''m on the hunt for them in our area.

    1. It is alway worth slowing down to take a good look at the ground at this time of year.

  7. Nice wildflowers. I haven't even been to the Botanic gardens this Spring to have a look at the wildflowers there.
    I do feel sorry for our Governors, they are protecting their people and States, but at the same time a lot of people are suffering job losses, closed shops, families who can't see each other... I wouldn't want to be in their shoes!

    1. Yes it is difficult and getting the right balance is the problem. I think things are now out of balance.

  8. Nice to see some bright spring colour.


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