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By the river


I am an inland girl so love lakes and rivers.  This weekend found us at Dubbo sitting by the Macquarie River as the sun set.

I know you can like both but are you primarily a freshwater or saltwater person?


  1. Excellent shot.

    Freshwater for me. I've only seen the ocean a handful of times.

    1. A handful of times ... wow. There were kids in my school class who had never seen the sea but in these much travelled times that is less likely.

  2. I grew up not being particularly close to either so I have no preference, though I like to plonk down next to a moving water way (not a stillwater one, too many biting insects) and relax.

    1. I haven't noticed that still water means more insects. Still water is nice for reflections.

  3. I love both. I so rarely go to the sea, but love the freshness and freedom of the ocean and seeing the waves crashing on the rocks. However, I also love rivers and, as I now live in a river city, I enjoy all the opportunities to be by the river and lakes in our neighbourhood.

    1. Sadly, I have not explored the river and lakes in Penrith much yet. I do love the view of the river from the train.

  4. Making a choice seems impossible, I love both so much. If today I was asked to choose between a visit to a river or beach, it would take me forever to decide.

    1. I knew you would have trouble choosing as your blog/instagram is filled with both.

  5. Lovely reflections. I like both but maybe the ocean wins

    1. It's an interesting thing how our preference ends up falling. My sister loves the sea whereas I love the inland.


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