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I had a wonderful surprise this week.  I discovered a flower stalk on the orchid that had been out on our balcony for a year after the previous flower faded. A couple of days later this flower opened.

It is my first success in getting an orchid to reflower.  How about you, do you get orchids to flower again?


  1. Yes I have been lucky over the past few years but there was a time when they didn't flower. They like moening sun when they are about to flower and very little water.

    1. I had twigged to the very little water bit. Perhaps that is why things went better this time.

  2. I find them frustrating. This year particularly so. I have a lovely friend who shares hers when they are flowering.

  3. Only once did I get my moth orchid to reflower but after that flower died I cut the stem back but no luck with any more flowers. I have had several plants but not successful with them after the first flush. I also have a cymbidium orchid and it hasn't flowered either since the first blooms so I think I'll give up on them now. So disappointing as I do love them but must be doing something wrong, may be too much attention! So glad yours have flourished.

  4. I don't have much success myself so I give my orchids to my Mum who has got a way with them.

    1. It's interesting how some people have the knack and the rest of us don't.

  5. I was given two orchids but gave them to my sister as I am not that fond of them and had no idea how to look after them 🫣 Chel

    1. My sister has quite a few because she too seems to know how to handle them and people hand them over to her.

  6. I don't have any orchids, except one cactus orchid. I find them very difficult to look after. I do admire their beauty.

    1. Your cactus orchid is spectactular if that is the flower you showed on Insta recently.

  7. I killed a cactus once, so I've given up on any kind of gardening.


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